
Weekly Sermon MP3s
by Pastor Ken Parrish

We invite you listen to each week's sermon right here on our website. If you would like to have an mp3 copy of any sermon on our website (to to listen offline or share with someone else) feel free to use the link provided. Our prayer is that you are blessed, challenged and when necessary even convicted by the Holy Spirit as you listen.

God Bless and Enjoy!

Guest Speaker - Tom Gerdy (January 26, 2025)

Friend of VCF, Tom Gerdy, shares a message to encourage us to look for opportunities to be a blessing to others to make the world a better place: "Aspire to Inspire Before You Expire."

Also, Bradon Legere shares plans that he and Joelle are making making for missions work with Cadence International.

The Winning Life (Series Began January 12, 2025)

God wants us to be winners in every arena of life - spiritually, emotionally, martially, financially, in every way! Reaching that destiny is is the goal of this series entitled, "The Winning Life."

Guest Speaker - Jim Whitaker (January 5, 2025)

As we start 2025, Jim Whitaker brings an encouraging message about "New Beginnings."

Leave the Past Behind (December 29, 2024)

God has something new for us all in the new year, but to experience it we must let go of the sins, hurts, failures, and even victories of the past and "Leave the Past Behind!"

Come to Bethlehem (December 22, 2024)

In our Christmas message, called "Come to Bethlehem", we learn how God works in natural ways to fulfill His ultimate purpose for our lives!

Why Jesus Came (December 15, 2024)

"Why Jesus Came" is a Christmas message in which Jesus tells us in His own words why God became a man!

Christmas Prophecies (December 8, 2024)

"Christmas Prophecies" is a message about how God prophesied the first Christmas approximately 1000 years before it happened, showing us that God always has a plan, and that He is faithful to bring it to pass. God will not fail us!

Life Lessons From Zacharias (December 1, 2024)

In "Life Lessons From Zacharias", we discover the type of person upon whom God shows His favor!

A Thankful Heart (November 24, 2024)

In a Thanksgiving message entitled A Thankful Heart, we learn that thankfulness is a part of the believer's new nature and opens the door to the favor of God!

Finding Peace (November 10 - 17, 2024)

God wants our hearts to be at peace regardless of outward circumstances. Finding Peace teaches us how to have peace in the midst of the chaos of life.

Christianity and Politics (November 3, 2024)

In this message entitled Christianity and Politics, we look at what the scriptures say about the believers attitude and responsibilities concerning government and politics

The Kingdom of God (September 29 - October 27, 2024)

The Kingdom of God is more than just a future season, it is a present reality that, if properly understood, can dramatically change our lives!

Guest Speaker - Mark McCord (September 8, 2024)

Missionary-Pastor Mark McCord updates the church family on his recent trips to several nations where he has started churches and helped to start Bible schools (where he still returns to teach), as well as on his present church in Montreux, Switzerland. He also challenged us to not be sidetracked by the world or to limit God with small mindedness, but to expect God to do great things through us as we serve Him faithfully with all our hearts.

Jesus Follower (August 25 - September 22, 2024)

Scripture teaches that faith can move mountains and lead to victory in our lives. We explore these and other awesome promises pertaining trusting God in this series called "Life Changing Faith!"

Life Changing Faith! (July 14 - August 18, 2024)

Scripture teaches that faith can move mountains and lead to victory in our lives. We explore these and other awesome promises pertaining trusting God in this series called "Life Changing Faith!".

Guest Speaker - Duane Zook (July 7, 2024)

Josh McDowell CEO, Duane Zook, brings us a message on the value of remembering God's faithfulness to us, as well as an update on his international travels on behalf of Josh McDowell Ministry.

Guest Speaker - Pastor Marvin Busie (June 16, 2024)

Guest Speaker, Pastor Marvin Busie, brings us a message on the transforming power of God's love.

Christlikeness (May 12 - June 30, 2024)

God's purpose for every believer is that we be conformed to the image of Jesus that the world might know Him. What that will look like is the topic of this series entitled Christlikeness.

Better With Jesus (April 21 - May 5, 2024)

Better with Jesus is a series that stresses the importance of a daily walk and surrender to the Lordship of Jesus, knowing He makes everything about life better!

Guest Speaker - Danny Johnston (April 14, 2024)

In this message from guest speaker Evangelist Danny Johnston, we are reminded that God is a God of miracles and challenged to have a faith that gets His attention!

FREEDOM!! (March 3 - April 7, 2024)

Jesus came to set captives free. Learn how to live free from fear, worry, sin, depression, and every addiction in this series called "FREEDOM!!"

Don't Talk About Money (January 28 - February 18, 2024)

"Don't Talk About Money" is a series where we look at what the Bible has to say about money and the principles of giving and receiving and living a blessed life!

Don't Settle! (January 21, 2024)

Don't Settle! is a message reminding us that we have an enemy who wants to steal from us what God wants to give to us, but if we'll fight the good fight of faith and settle for nothing less than God's best, we will experience life more abundant!

Above All Else (December 31, 2023 - January 14, 2024)

In a series called "Above All Else," we will show how the peace, blessing, and favor of God rests upon those who put the word of God first place in their lives, making it their top priority. There's live in the word!

Christmas According to Luke (December 3 - 24, 2023)

"Christmas According to Luke" is a Bible study and journey to the first Christmas focusing exclusively on the details of the birth of Jesus as recorded in the gospel of Luke.

Different (November 5 - 26, 2023)

"Different" describes the life of Jesus compared to the standards of the world, and it should describe the lifestyle of truly believers as well. These messages teach what that will look like.

Rejoice in the Lord Always (October 29, 2023)

In this message entitled "Rejoice in the Lord Always," we discover how God responds with strength and miracles when we praise Him in life's storms.

Limitless (October 1 - 22, 2023)

This series, entitled Limitless, is about trusting the Lord in every circumstance, because He can work in ways we cannot even imagine!

Guest Speaker - Mark McCord (September 10, 2023)

Missionary-Pastor Mark McCord updates the church family on his recent trips to several nations where he has started churches and helped to start Bible schools (where he still returns to teach), as well as on his present church in Montreux, Switzerland. He also challenged us to not be sidetracked by the world or to limit God with small mindedness, but to expect God to do great things through us as we serve Him faithfully with all our hearts.

The Christian Walk (August 27 - September 24, 2023)

The way you walk says something about you. In this series called The Christian Walk, we learn how to live our lives in a manner that pleases the Lord.

God Is With Us (August 20, 2023)

It's a rare person who goes through life without experiencing some form of life-changing tragedy or trauma. But the good news is we are not alone, God is with us, and He will be faithful to see us through!

Guest Speaker - Stuart Whitaker (August 6, 2023)

In a message titled "Jesus is King," Stuart shares why it's important to let others know exactly who your God is and why we must see Jesus as Savior and as King!

2 Peter (July 9 - August 13, 2023)

In this study of 2 Peter, a letter written shortly before the Apostle's death, we will learn the secrets to living an abundant life, be warned about false prophets, and be reminded of the promised return of our Lord and the consummation of all things.

Guest Speaker - Danny Johnston (July 2, 2023)

Evangelist Danny Johnston shares how in a moment God can change anything. He has a "suddenly" just for you!

Guest Speaker - Dominic Scalfaro (June 25, 2023)

Dominic shares a message showing how our choices matter. God has laid out a roadmap for each of us. Will we say "no" and go our own way, or say "yes" and follow the path that leads to Righteousness found only through Jesus?

Guest Speakers - Simeon and Naomi Koranek (June 11, 2023)

This morning's service is a ministry report from new missionaries Simeon and Naomi Koranek, who are on staff with United Indian Mission (UIM) and will soon be serving as aviation missionaries in Mexico.

1 Peter (April 16 - June 18, 2023)

In this series on 1 Peter we learn biblical principles for enduring and overcoming persecution, tests, and trials of life!

He's Alive (April 9, 2023)

In our Easter message for 2023 entitled "He's Alive," we follow Jesus through Holy Week and talk about the "whys" of the resurrection.

Eyes to See, Ears to Hear (April 2, 2023)

God is a God who speaks, wanting to reveal Himself to us by the Spirit. Learn the many ways He speaks in this message, entitled "Eyes to See, Ears to Hear."

This Is My Story (March 26, 2023)

In this message entitled, "This Is My Story," Pastor Ken shares his testimony about coming to Christ, surviving electrocution, and being called to the ministry.

Follow Me (March 12 - 19, 2023)

Many in our day claim to be "Christ followers," but are they really? Find out what it means to truly follow Jesus is these messages entitled, "Follow Me."

Hungry For His Presence (February 12 - March 5, 2023)

Our series, Hungry For His Presence," is about our need for revival and what it will take to experience it!

Guest Speaker - Dominic Scalfaro (January 15, 2023)

Our Bible study, entitled "Encountering Barriers in Pursuit of God's Will,"  hones in on the barriers Christians will face on their path to completing God's call for their lives. Using Paul as an example, we explore how he overcame his.

The Fruit of the Spirit (January 1 - February 5, 2023)

Where financial prosperity fails, true prosperity gives us everything our hearts long for. We study the source and picture of true prosperity in these messages on "The Fruit of the Spirit."

The Birth of Christ (December 25, 2022)

"The Birth of Christ" is a Bible study from Luke 2:1-20 detailing the birth of Jesus and how He was born to save the world!

Life Lessons from Joseph (December 18, 2022)

Find out what was special about the man hand picked by God to raise His Son in this message entitled "Life Lessons from Joseph."

Legacy of Faith (December 11, 2022)

As parents and grandparents, we have the responsibility to teach and train our children and grandchildren to know and trust in Jesus and to leave them a Legacy of Faith!

What Makes Christianity Unique (December 4, 2022)

In "What Makes Christianity Unique," we show how Christmas and God's plan for man's salvation make Christianity different from all the other religions of the world.

Guest Speaker - Duane Zook (November 13, 2022)

In this message, Duane Zook, CEO of Josh McDowell Ministry, updates us on JMM's worldwide outreach and challenges us to continue to faithfully serve the Lord!

Victory in Jesus (September 4 - November 27, 2022)

An this series entitled "Victory in Jesus," Pastor Ken teaches principals for walking out Jesus' victory at the cross in this present age; bringing heaven to earth and releasing every spiritual blessing into our lives today!

August 2022 Guest Speakers (August 7 - 28, 2022)

August 2022 will feature messages by four special guest speakers - Rev. Paul Dennis, our own Dominic Scalfaro, Pastor Marvin Busie, and Missionary/Pastor Mark McCord.

Beyond Our Walls (July 31, 2022)

In this message entitled, "Beyond Our Walls," Pastor Ken highlights all the ways VCF is reaching out to our city, the nation, and the world with the Gospel through the outreach ministries we support.

Dare to Believe (July 10 - 24, 2022)

"Dare to Believe" is a series that reveals faith as an adventure, a journey, and a way of life. Join us to discover how to live by faith and to see what God will do for the person who dares to believe!

Jonah or Jesus? (July 3, 2022)

Jonah so despised the Ninevites that he ran from God's call rather than ministering to them. Jesus so loved those who hated Him that He prayed for them even as they were crucifying Him! Which are you more like; Jonah, or Jesus?

Hope in God (June 5 - 26, 2022)

In this message entitled "Hope in God," we are reminded of the power, goodness, and faithfulness of the Lord that give us reason for hope regardless of our circumstances!

Guest Speaker - Danny Johnston (May 15, 2022)

Guest speaker, Evangelist Danny Johnston, reminds us that anything can happen when Jesus is in the house

God's Plan For Your Life (May 1 - 29, 2022)

This series, "God's Plan For Your Life," teaches us about the things that should matter most - spiritual priorities - with the promise that when our priorities are in order, God Himself will fulfill through us every purpose for which we are created!

Peter's Redemption (April 24, 2022)

In this message, called Peter's Redemption, we will see the fruit if Christ's resurrection and discover how to experience the tender mercies of God.

Easter Sunday (April 17, 2022)

Pastor Ken tells the story of the resurrection of Jesus in this special Easter Sunday service.

Palm Sunday (April 10, 2022)

In this special Palm Sunday message, Pastor Ken shows how Jesus reveals Himself to be Savior, King, and sacrificial lamb in the Triumphal Entry.

Seeing God as Father (March 13 - April 3, 2022)

Seeing God as Father and truly understanding what that means will inspire a deeper love and faith for God, leading to a tangible experience of His grace in our lives!

Find Peace in Troubled Times (February 27 - March 6, 2022)

In a world filled with turmoil it is often difficult to find peace of mind. But the Bible tells us exactly where peace can be found. Jesus said, "Come unto me... and find rest for your soul." Jesus is our peace. He is the Prince of Peace!

Better Together: The Church as Community (February 6 - 20, 2022)

There is no "law" requiring Christians to attend church. But if Christians really understood the nature of the church and the value of corporate worship they would WANT to attend! This is the main point of this series, entitled "Better Together: The Church as Community."

Your Identity In Christ (January 2 - 30, 2022)

Scripture teaches that if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature! When believers learn who they are in Christ, they will grow in their faith and live a more abundant life. That is the premise of this series, entitled "Your Identity in Christ."

Christmas 2021 - Why Jesus Came (December 19, 2021)

In this Christmas Sunday message called "Why Jesus Came," we discuss five reasons why God became a man, and what was accomplished by the incarnation.

The Gift of Righteousness (November 28 - December 26, 2021)

We need not fear condemnation from God, for though we are sinners after the flesh we are righteous in the sight of God through faith in Jesus Christ, and we can reign in life because of The Gift of Righteousness!

2021 Thanksgiving (November 21, 2021)

Mark gives us an update on his ministry in Switzerland & around the world and shares a message about Intimacy with God.

Guest Speaker - Mark McCord (September 19, 2021)

Mark gives us an update on his ministry in Switzerland & around the world and shares a message about Intimacy with God.

The Sermon on the Mount (September 5 - November 14, 2021)

The Sermon on the Mount is probably the most famous sermon in the world. Its message will transform your life! This verse by verse teaching series is our take on that sermon!

Guest Speaker - Dominic Scalfaro (July 25, 2021)

Dominic reminds us that when we trust in the Lord, if God doesn't answer our prayers the way we ask Him to it's because He sees the bigger picture. He knows what we don't know and may choose to answer those prayers in different way.

Guest Speakers - Jake and Holly Schilinski (July 11, 2021)

Missionaries Jake and Holly Schilinski share about their ministry in Cameroon, Africa. Through Win Our Nations Ministries, the Shilinskis operate Helping Hands Children's Home and Faith Bible College.

When God Shows Up (June 6 - August 29, 2021)

This series, "When God Shows Up," takes a look at many of the familiar, classic stories of the Bible to see the awesome things our God is capable of doing when we put our trust and hope in Him!

The Promise of the Father (May 23, 2021)

In "The Promise of the Father," we learn that the Holy Spirit is the promise, presence, and power of God in our lives today, and how we can expect Him to use us to glorify the resurrected Christ.

The Faith of Elijah (May 16, 2021)

 In this Bible study of 1 Kings 17:1-16, we see a picture of what a life of faith looks like in "The Faith of Elijah."

Guest Speaker - Danny Johnston (May 9, 2021)

Guest speaker and Evangelist Danny Johnston encourages us to remember, in the midst of life's storms, the presence of God, the promise of God, the power of God, and the peace of God!!

Follow Me (April 25, 2021)

In a time when many are drifting away from the faith, true believers need to show the world real Christianity. What that looks like is explored in the messages entitled, "Follow Me."

Drifters ( April 11 - 18, 2021)

In a message entitled, "Drifters," we are reminded that the Christian life does not happen automatically but must be lived deliberately and on purpose, otherwise we can find ourselves drifting away from the Lord without even realizing it!

Finding Healing Through Forgiveness (March 7 - April 4, 2021)

In these messages entitled "Finding Healing Through Forgiveness", we discover that forgiving others as we have been forgiven by the Lord opens the door for His healing for our lives in our spirit, soul, and body!

The Greatest Commandment (January 24 - February 28, 2021)

God's love will change the world if we will love Him with all of our heart and our neighbor as ourselves. This is the reason for The Greatest Commandment!

There is More (January 3 - 17, 2021)

In these messages, entitled “There is More,” we learn that no matter where you are in your spiritual journey or what you’ve seen God do in your life, there is always more of God to experience!

2020 Christmas (December 6 - 27, 2020)

In our 2020 Christmas series, (three messages entitled Christmas Characters and a two called Christmas Miracles) we look at all the characters God used to fulfill His purpose of sending His Son into this world to save us, and the miracles He performed along the way to that first Christmas!

Guest Speaker - Mark McCord (November 29, 2020)

Missionary-Pastor Mark McCord shares an update on his ministry in Switzerland and an inspiring message on the book of Habakkuk with the VCF family!

Faith: Risky Business? (November 8 - 22, 2020)

Are you playing it safe, hiding in fear, and missing out on experiencing the power of God? Learn a better way to live in victory in these messages entitled, "Faith: Risky Business?"

Philippians: Unspeakable Joy! (September 6 - November 1, 2020)

This series is entitled "Philippians: Unspeakable Joy!" Paul's letter to the Philippians is a short, yet powerful letter written to a church family that was very dear to the heart of the Apostle. Though many lessons are taught, the primary theme of the letter is joy and rejoicing, and in it Paul will teach us how we can have joy regardless of our circumstances!

Getting More Out of Worship (August 30, 2020)

Have you ever left church feeling like you didn't get anything out of the service? Believing God wants you to encounter Him in every service, we give you several tips to help you encounter God in this message called "Getting More Out of Worship."

Guest Speaker - Dominic Scalfaro (August 23, 2020)

From Acts 27, Dominic Scalfaro teaches us that living a life of faith and following Jesus will not be easy but holds promise of great reward!

Guest Speaker - T.R. King (August 16, 2020)

Guest speaker, Pastor T. R. King, reminds us that the Church must stand up against the evils in our world and culture and continue to do so until Jesus comes again in this message entitled, "Evil Is Never Satisfied."

How To Fix Our Broken World (July 5 - August 9, 2020)

This world needs Jesus! Learn how to be a witness for Jesus and why it's so important in this series called, "How To Fix Our Broken World."

Is This That (June 28, 2020)

Many people see in current events signs that they believe point to the return of Christ. In this message called, "Is This That?," we look at what the scripture says are the true signs of the second coming of of the Lord.

How to Find Favor with God (June 14 - 21, 2020)

In "How to Find Favor with God," learn how to walk in a divine favor that no man can stop!

Psalm 91 (May 10 - June 7, 2020)

Psalm 91 is a powerful Psalm filled with amazing, incredible promises that are actually God's will for our lives. Learn who God is, and how to experience His promises in this series.

An Audience of One (April 26 - May 3, 2020)

Are you a people pleaser or a God pleaser? Fearing what people think of you leads to bondage, but there's great freedom in living only to please God. We are called to live for "An Audience of One!"

Hallelujah, Jesus Is Alive! - Easter Sunday (April 12, 2020)

"Hallelujah, Jesus Is Alive!" is the VCF Easter 2020 message that explains the benefits of the resurrection of Jesus Christ for all believers both for now and all eternity!

Why, God, Why? (March 15 - April 19, 2020)

If God is so good, powerful, and loving, why is there so much suffering in the world? We answer these and other questions about suffering in this series, entitled, "Why, God, Why?"

Fire Fight (February 2 - March 8, 2020)

In a series called "Fire Fight," Ken teaches on how to use truth as a spiritual sword to defeat sin and overcome all the works of the devil in your life!

Cleansing the Temple (January 5 - 26, 2020)

"Cleansing the Temple" is a series of messages that teaches us of our need to keep our hearts pure so that we see God and experience Him as Father!

Guest Speaker - Danny Smith (December 29, 2019)

VCF hosts a joint worship service with Dayspring Church, a new local church pastored by Danny Smith, Danny brings a message from the book of Isaiah about the Attributes of God.

Matthew's Christmas Story (December 8 - 22, 2019)

Matthew's Christmas Story is an in-depth Bible study of Matthew 1:1-2:12, explaining the birth of Christ and the purpose of His coming from the perspective of one of Jesus' first Apostles.

Difference Makers (December 1, 2019)

Learn what it means to be "the salt of the earth" and "the light of the world" in this message entitled Difference Makers.

Thanksgiving 2019 (November 17 - 24, 2019)

These two Thanksgiving messages for 2019 remind us that, apart from God's grace and goodness, we have nothing; that everything we have comes from Him, and that a heart of thanksgiving will help us walk in victory!

Faith That Brings Victory (November 10, 2019)

Though God is sovereign, He looks for hearts of faith to reveal His glory. Faith is our responsibility - our response to His ability. Nany examples of our need to believe in order to receive from the Lord are shared in this message entitled, "Faith That Brings Victory."

The Helper (Series Began October 6 - November 3, 2019)

Discover the true source of power for living the victorious Christian life in these messages entitled, "The Helper!"

Loving God With All Your Heart (September 29, 2019)

Do you really love God? Ken shares biblical pictures and a personal vision of what love looks like in a message entitled "Loving God With All Your Heart."

Guest Speaker - Mark McCord (September 22, 2019)

Mark McCord, church planting missionary to Europe, joined us to share an update on his ministry and a message on the present reality of our Redemption.

Our Great Defender (September 15, 2019)

God fights for us when we worship Him in spirit and in truth. He is our Savior and "Our Great Defender!"

Our Good and Faithful God (September 8, 2019)

In "Our Good and Faithful God," Ken shares a testimony of how he and Becky saw God work in their lives during a recent health scare.

Guest Speaker - T.R. King (September 1, 2019)

Pastor Ken shares an update on his surgery and recovery.

Guest speaker, T.R. King shares a message about the Mystery that God kept unknown until the time set apart for the Church Age to begin.

Guest Speaker - Marvin Busie (August 25, 2019)

Jesus has a place where he desires to lead us, however it is often where we don't want to go. We need to trust that He is a loving God and only has the best in mind for us!

Guest Speaker - T.R. King (August 18, 2019)

Guest speaker, T.R. King, shows us the difference between blessings and miracles. That God wants us to live in a place of blessings so we are not depending on miracles to get us though each day!

Guest Speaker - Paul Dennis (August 11, 2019)

Guest speaker, Paul Dennis, shares a message about how much God loves us and how in return we are to show our love for God by the way we live our lives.

Guest Speaker - Marvin Busie (August 4, 2019)

Pastor Marvin Busie, shares a message about Jesus being our example for Prayer.

Disciplined for Success (June 30 - July 28, 2019)

In this series, entitled "Disciplined for Success," we look at four Christian disciplines that will insure our success in fulfilling our God given purpose in life.

Suddenly (June 9 - 23, 2019)

Regardless of the circumstances and situations we might find ourselves in we should always hold on to hope in God, because He is good and desires to do good for us, and sometimes His goodness will come upon us "Suddenly!"

Guest Speaker - Marvin Busie (June 2, 2019)

Guest speaker, Pastor Marvin Busie, shares a message on "Elroi: The God Who Sees."

Guest Speaker - Duane Zook (May 19, 2019)

Duane Zook, CEO of Josh McDowell Ministry, shares thoughts on how God uses suffering in our lives, and gives us an update on what's happening at JMM in The Zook Report.

A Culture of Honor (May 12 & 26, 2019)

In our society today, we are rapidly loosing our sense of decency and respect for one another, whether it's in our homes, schools, our attitude towards those in positions of authority. But order can and must be restored. Learn how in these messages, entitled, "A Culture of Honor."

Walking in God's Purpose (May 5, 2019)

We were created on purpose and for a purpose. But how can we find the purpose? The key is in pursuing God to know Him. When we do this, His purpose will find us! Hear more in this message entitled, "Walking in God's Purpose!"

The Subtle Sin of Pride (April 28, 2019)

Though we know pride is destructive, it still finds its way into our lives, often without us realizing it. We encourage you to consider your ways in this message entitled, "The Subtle Sin of Pride."

Easter Sunday (April 21, 2019)

In this Easter Sunday message, we teach on why we need a Messiah, and The Importance of the Resurrection!

Triumphal Entry: Past, Future, and Present (April 14, 2019)

The triumphal entry of Jesus into the city of Jerusalem on that first Palm Sunday is both a picture of the second coming of the Lord and a picture of what He wants to do in the hearts of people today. See the pictures in this message entitled, Triumphal Entry: Past, Future, and Present.

How to Experience More of God (March 3 - April 7, 2019)

Learn how to see the manifest presence of God in your life in these messages entitled "How to Experience More of God."

The Faith of the Three (February 24, 2019)

God is faithful, and He will reward the faith of those who trust in Him despite their circumstances. This is the message in our teaching entitled, "The Faith of the Three."

Morality In America (February 10 - 17, 2019)

In these messages called "Morality In America," Pastor Ken teaches how the moral standards in the USA are moving further away from the standards in the word of God.

Overcoming Our Greatest Enemy (January 6 - February 3, 2019)

These messages are about learning the wisdom of the Lord to experience abundant life by "Overcoming Our Greatest Enemy" (it's not the devil!).

Guest Speaker - Joel and Sally Moylan (December 30, 2018)

Joel and Sally share about the different ministry opportunities the Lord has opened for them as they serve at YWAM Perth.

Christmas Tidbits (December 23, 2018)

In a message called Christmas Tidbits, we share a few revelations from the Christmas story plus a few practical takeaways.

Guest Speaker - Mark McCord (November 18, 2018)

Missionary/Pastor Mark McCord brings an update from Switzerland and encourages us to make sure that we have good soil for the plans of God to grow in. When our heart is right with the Lord, from it flow the springs of life!

Jesus Calling (October 14 - December 16, 2018)

Many in today's church call themselves Christians when it's likely that they really aren't. In this series entitled "Jesus Calling," we search the gospels to learn what it means to be a true follower of Jesus Christ.

Mark 2:1-12 (September 30 - October 7, 2018)

Jesus is fully God and fully man. In "Mark 2:1-12," we look at the Jesus revealed by Mark, His nature and power, and men's various reactions and responses to Him. How will we respond?

Our Whispering God (September 23, 2018)

In these messages entitled, "Our Whispering God," we discuss the keys to recognizing the Lord's voice so that we can grow in faith, grace, and the knowledge of His will for our lives.

A Faith That Works (August 26 - September 16, 2018)

Living by faith in Jesus will change your life! But what is faith; what does it mean to "believe in God"? We seek to discover the truth about faith in these messages entitled, "A Faith That Works!"

Strength For The Journey (August 19, 2018)

Strength For The Journey reminds us that God promises to be with us and strengthen us through every storm in life so that we can always endure and overcome.

Guest Speaker - Dane Emerick (August 12, 2018)

Dane shares a timely message of encouragement, showing us that Heaven is a real place! It's full of excitement, learning and the joy of God!

Guest Speaker - Marvin Busie (August 5, 2018)

Pastor Marvin shares a message about the importance of prayer and why prayer matters.

Finding Rest in Jesus (July 29, 2018)

"Finding Rest in Jesus" is a message about trusting the Lord and keeping your cool in the storms of life and staying free of worry and anxiety.

Jesus: Friend of Sinners (July 15 - 22, 2018)

Does the way we treat sinners show them the love of Christ, or push them away from the Lord? In these messages called "Jesus: Friend of Sinners," we are challenged to consider how to relate to unbelievers in order to win them to Jesus!

God Our Healer (July 8, 2018)

Pastor Ken encourages the VCF family to stay positive, remembering the goodness of God and that it is always His nature to heal us, in the message entitled, "God Our Healer!"

The Church That Jesus Builds (June 10 - July 1, 2018)

The typical church of our generation in twenty first century America bears little resemblance to the church in the book of Acts. We search the Word to discover the differences in a new series of messages entitled "The Church That Jesus Builds."

Biblical Marriage (May 6 - June 3, 2018)

Our culture continues to redefine marriage to its own demise. Discover how to have a strong, healthy, fulfilling relationship in this series of messages entitled "Biblical Marriage."

God's Opinion of You (April 15 - 29, 2018)

In this series, entitled "God's Opinion of You," we learn how much God values and treasures us, and that our esteem should come from His opinion and not our performance, our possessions, nor the opinions of others.

There Is More (April 8, 2018)

This message, entitled "There Is More," reminds us of the reality of the spiritual realm and eternity, and includes a powerful testimony from church member Jeff Eubank.

Peter's Redemption (April 1, 2018)

Based on the text of John 21, this Easter Sunday message, entitled "Peter's Redemption", illustrates the love of the resurrected Christ and how He has come to redeem us all!

Christ Revealed (March 25, 2018)

Jesus wants us to know Him that we would believe in Him and be saved, and He used many methods to show us and tell us who He is. Many examples are given in this message entitled, "Christ Revealed!"

Reckless Love (March 18, 2018)

"Reckless Love" is a message about how God loves us unconditionally with reckless abandon, and how we are to love each other the same way with an unguarded heart!

The Seed Principle (March 11, 2018)

Learn why the biblical principle of sowing and reaping affects every area of our lives - and everything in life - in this message called "The Seed Principle."

Peace in Troubled Times (March 4, 2018)

Discover how to release the peace of God into your life in the midst of the worst of circumstances in this message entitled, "Peace in Troubled Times."

Guest Speaker - Jim Whitaker (January 28, 2018)

Jim shares a message about God's Love for us and shows us in scripture what God has already done to provide salvation by Grace.

The Blessing of Spirit Fullness (January 14 - February 25, 2018)

Learn how to experience the abundant life promised by Jesus in this series entitled "The Blessing of Spirit Fullness."

High Hopes for 2018 (January 7, 2018)

Hope in God does not disappoint. In this New Year's message entitled, "High Hopes for 2018," the VCF family is encouraged to have positive expectations for good things to happen in the future by keeping their hope and heart set on God.

God's Word: My Priority (December 31, 2017)

The best New Year's Resolution you can make is to build your life on the word of God. Learn why that's important in this New Year's Eve message entitled "God's Word: My Priority."

A Christmas Story (December 24, 2017)

In this 2 part Christmas Eve message Pastor Ken shares the real Christmas Story from Luke Chapter 2.

Joseph: Godly Fatherhood (December 17, 2017)

Life lessons on fulfilling our purpose are taught in this Christmas message entitled, Joseph: Godly Fatherhood.

There Is Something About Mary (December 10, 2017)

Learn how to find God's purpose for your life from the mother of Jesus in this message entitled, "There Is Something About Mary."

Charis: Experiencing the Favor of God (November 5 - December 3, 2017)

This series is entitled, "Charis: Experiencing the Favor of God", and it's all about how our heavenly Father is not holding out on us but, rather, desires to lavish His amazing grace on us in every area of our lives!

Guest Speaker - Chad King (October 8, 2017)

Chad shares a message about the need for Christians to be able to recognize who God really is so we can debunk the "Fake News" being spread about our Lord!

The God I Know (September 17 - October 29, 2017)

God wants us to know Him, and if we will seek Him, He will reveal Himself to us! In this series, called "The God I Know," we look at what the scriptures teach us about the nature and character of God.

Guest Speaker - Mark McCord (September 10, 2017)

Missionary/Pastor Mark McCord updates VCF on his ministry in Europe and the Middle East, and challenges the church family to release our lives to Jesus in faith to see Him do His greatest work in and through us.

Lessons From Mephibosheth (September 3, 2017)

In "Lessons From Mephibosheth" we learn that, contrary to what many think, God is not out to get us. Rather, His desire is to bless us and treat is like Kings kids. He is a good, good father!

Blessings in Malta (August 27, 2017)

In a message entitled "Blessings in Malta," Pastor Ken teaches us that God has a plan and a purpose for everything we go through in life.

Water Baptism (August 20, 2017)

In this message entitled "Water Baptism," we discover baptism's significance goes far beyond mere ritual; it produces life and witness as we identify with Jesus in its practice!

Guest Speaker - Marvin Busie (August 13, 2017)

In this message, based on the book of Hosea, guest speaker Pastor Marvin Busie shares a message on the unconditional love of God.

Guest Speaker - Jim Whitaker (August 6, 2017)

Jesus taught us to keep God's commands by Loving God and Loving Others. In this message Jim shares what it means to truly Love God and challenges us to live that out by Loving Others.

Faith That Sees The Glory (July 16 - 30, 2017)

Jesus often told people their faith had moved the hand of God, releasing His grace and power that brought miracles to their lives. What that kind of faith looks like is the theme of this series called, "Faith That Sees The Glory!"

Fulfilling Our Destiny (June 4 - July 9, 2017)

God promises to bless the lives of those who walk in obedient faith. How that happens and what that looks like is the theme of these messages entitled, "Doer of the Word."

Doer of the Word (June 4-11, 2017)

God promises to bless the lives of those who walk in obedient faith. How that happens and what that looks like is the theme of these messages entitled, "Doer of the Word."

There Is A Cloud (May 28, 2017)

When we repent of our sins and turn our hearts back to God, He has wonderful and great blessings in store for us. That's the theme of this week's message entitled, "There Is A Cloud."

You Are God's Treasure! (May 7 - 21, 2017)

Many people in today's world feel that their life does not matter and they have little or no worth or value. But God sees something different! And when we begin to see ourselves the way God sees us, we will become the person we were created to be. This is the theme of these messages, entitled "You Are God's Treasure!"

An Abundance of Blessings (April 30, 2017)

"An Abundance of Blessings" is a message based on Psalm 23 that details the many blessings God will pour out on the person who will truly make the Lord their priority in every area of life!.

The Blessings of Generosity (April 23, 2017)

God promises to show His favor to those who will trust in Him instead of wealth and demonstrate that trust by a giving spirit. That's the theme of this message entitled, "The Blessings of Generosity."

Christ Revealed (April 9 - 16, 2017)

The resurrection of Jesus proves and declares that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. In this two part Easter message entitled "Christ Revealed", we look at several passages from both Testaments, as well as the resurrection, that reveal that same truth.

We're On A Mission From God! (March 5 - April 2, 2017)

As we journey through this lifetime moving ever closer to eternity, we are supposed to be reaching out to everyone we can to tell them about Jesus so they can spend eternity with God in heaven as we will. We are called to be witnesses! This series of messages is designed to remind us of this purpose and to teach us how it's done. "We're on a mission from God!"

Guest Speaker - Jim Whitaker (February 26, 2017)

Jim shares the importance of being ready in and out of season to be used of the Lord, and how the word of God prepares us for his work.

We Would See Jesus (January 15 - February 19, 2017)

Grace and peace are multiplied to us by our intimate, experiential knowledge of Jesus. Seeing and knowing Him is the goal of this teaching series entitled "We Would See Jesus."

You Say You Want A Resolution (January 1 - 8, 2017)

These messages entitled "You Say You Want A Resolution" are a challenge to be resolved to live a life that makes a difference in 2017. The best way to accomplish that goal is to live life God's way and not our own; to be different to make a difference!

Christmas 2016 (December 18 - 25, 2016)

In this two part series, Ken shares thoughts on truths revealed in the account of the first Christmas as given in the gospel of Luke.

The Jesus Way to Pray (November 6 - December 11, 2016)

Is your prayer life inconsistent and ineffective? By His teaching and by His example, Jesus reveals how to pray prayers that release the power of heaven into the earth to accomplish God's purposes. Learn how to pray power, effective prayers in this series we call The Jesus Way to Pray.

Guest Speaker - Mike Keyes (October 16, 2016)

Apostle/Missionary Mike Keyes shares a message on the importance of staying faithful in the face of persecution in these last days!

Strong In Faith (October 16 - 30, 2016)

Pastor Ken discusses how to be ready for whatever comes our way in life in this series entitled, "Strong in Faith."

The Christian Walk (September 4 - October 9, 2016)

Are you walking in victory, or is your life full of despair? Learn how to chose an overcoming life of fulfillment, peace, and joy in this series entitled, "The Christian Walk."

Jesus, Our Skyline (August 21 - 28, 2016)

In a message entitled "Jesus, Our Skyline", Ken reveals Jesus as that place where heaven touches earth, and the One through whom God's will is done in our lives as it's done in heaven!

Guest Speaker  - Marvin Busie (August 7, 2016)

Pastor Marvin Busie shares a message about the perfect timing of the Lord. God knows everything and is in control of all time - Fear Not!

All In (July 24 - August 14, 2016)

Ken challenges the VCF church family to make their faith more than a part time activity in this two part series entitled, "All In."

The Presence (June 12 - July 17, 2016)

Saint Augustine's quote, “Thou hast made us for thyself, and our heart is restless until it finds its rest in thee", is the theme of this series entitled, "The Presence."

Heart Disease (May 29 - June 5, 2016)

In a series entitled Heart Disease, Ken discusses matters of the heart that can hinder the grace of God from being displayed in our lives.

Be Strong in the Lord (April 24 - May 22, 2016)

God has provided everything we need to be winners in life in our struggles with our adversary, the devil. 'Be Strong in the Lord" is a series on how to walk it out in the Power of the Spirit!

Guest Speaker  - Duane Zook (April 3, 2016)

Duane Zook, CEO of Josh McDowell Ministry, brings an update and shares about current outreach opportunities Josh MsDowell Ministry is conducting around the world.

Resurrection Sunday (March 27, 2016)

Resurrection Sunday is the title of our 2016 Easter message.

A Constant Faith (March 6 - April 17, 2016)

Scripture teaches us that there are great rewards, both in this life and in the world to come, for those who will live continually by faith in Jesus. Ken illustrates what that kind of faith looks like using examples from the Bible in this series entitled, "A Constant Faith."

Becoming A Seeker of God (February 21 - 28, 2016)

In these messages entitled "Becoming A Seeker of God," Ken encourages the VCF family to go beyond nominal Christianity to experience the great rewards of actively seeking to know Jesus more and more.

God's Great Love For Us (February 14, 2016)

On this Valentine's Day, Ken shares a message entitled, "God's Great Love for Us."

Living the LIFE (January 17 - February 7, 2016)

Jesus said, "I came that they might have life, and have it abundantly." In this series entitled, "Living the LIFE." Ken defines this abundant life and explains how to experience it to the fullest.

New Year's Resolutions (January 3 - 10, 2016)

2016 starts off with "New Year's Resolutions," a two-part teaching on resolutions God wants us to make and wants to help us keep!

Why There Was The First Christmas (December 20, 2015)

In this Christmas message based on John 1:1-18, Pastor Ken teaches on why there was the first Christmas.

Old Testament Favorites (November 15 - December 27, 2015)

In a series of messages entitled "Old Testament Favorites," we will see how God is faithful to empower, fulfill His promises, and give victory to all who will put their trust in Him!

God Cares For You (November 1 - 8, 2015)

In a short series of messages entitled, "God Cares For You," Ken reminds the VCF family that, no matter how things may seem, The Lord has not forgotten or forsaken us, but will be faithful, both to us and His promise!

Jesus First (October 25, 2015)

Is "Jesus First" a lifestyle reality or merely a religious slogan? Ken challenges the VCF family to examine their own hearts to determine the truth.

Guest Speaker - Mike Keyes (September 27, 2015)

Mike Keyes, Apostle and missionary to the Philippines, shares a message at a special Sunday night service on what Christians must do to be prepared for the difficult days ahead.

Guest Speaker - Mark McCord (September 13, 2015)

"God has saved the best for last" is the theme of this encouraging message from church planting Missionary Mark McCord.

One Flesh (September 6 - October 18, 2015)

The institution of marriage is under attack in our day like never before. We take a look at what the Bible has to say on the subject in this series entitled, One Flesh.

Guest Speaker - Scott Stewart (August 23, 2015)

In this message delivered at VCF, Pastor Scott Stewart of Agape Church in Little Rock, AR, issues a call to the church to stand for righteousness in our day of spiritual blindness and darkness.

Joy Filled Living (August 9 - 30, 2015)

Have you ever wondered how some people are joyful no matter what's going on in their lives? Jesus can make that happen for anyone! This series - Joy Filled Living - talks about how to make that happen for you!

Guest Speaker - Jim Whitaker (July 26, 2015)

Jim reminds us of our special place in God's big creation and asks that we answer the invitation the Lord presents to each of us.

Marriage and Divorce (July 8, 2015)

In this special Wednesday evening message, Ken shares his perspective on "Marriage and Divorce" based on the words of Jesus in Mark 10:2-12, and explains his reluctance to perform weddings.

If My People... (June 28, 2015)

Beginning of the end or beginning of revival, and what the church can do to make the difference is the theme of the message entitled, "If My People...."

Expect the Unexpected (May 31 - July 19, 2015)

This study is about unusual things God did in the Bible and the unusual ways He did them, with the goal of stirring hope in our hearts as we are reminded that nothing is impossible with God!

A Call to Arms (May 24, 2015)

"A Call to Arms" is a message to the VCF family, calling them to faithfully serve the Lord through the ministries of the church, trusting God to give them grace to serve as they answer the call.

Does the Bible Say That? (May 17, 2015)

Does the Bible Say That? is a "myth buster" message concerning things people believe to be spiritual truth even though it's not taught in the scriptures.

Authentic Christianity (April 12 - May 10, 2015)

At a time of turmoil when the world desperately needs to see Jesus, It's time for the true church to be revealed. It's time for the world to see Authentic Christianity!

Easter 2015 - God is Good All the Time! (April 5, 2015)

God is Good All the Time is the title of our 2015 Easter message. Taste and see that God is good!

Guest Speaker - Jerry Martin (March 29, 2015)

Jerry Martin, missionary to Etheopia, shares a liitle about his families ministry and a chalenging message to us all.

Get Out of the Boat (March 15 - 22, 2015)

Get Out of the Boat is a message to encourage Christians to stretch themselves and their faith; to get out of their comfort zone to see God do greater things in their lives.

The Local Church (February 8, 2015 - March 8, 2015)

In this series, Ken describes the nature and purpose of the church and explains why it's important for every believer to be faithfully committed to a local Bible believing church.

Stewardship (January 11, 2015 - February 1, 2015)

In this series entitled "Stewardship," Pastor Ken teaches on discovering God's plan for financial freedom.

The Transformed Life (November 30, 2014 - January 4, 2015)

Jesus came that we might have life, abundant and eternal. Learn how to reap the rewards of salvation in this series entitled, "The Transformed Life."

Thanksgiving 2014 (November 23, 2014)

In this Thanksgiving Sunday message, Pastor Ken discusses the importance and benefits of having a thankful heart.

Keys to Inner Healing (October 5, 2014 - November 16, 2014)

Jesus said that if we would come to Him we would find rest for our souls. Principles for peace, rest, and healing for a wounded heart are revealed in this series entitled Keys to Inner Healing.

Guest Speaker - Mark McCord (September 28, 2014)

Mark Mcord, church planting missionary in Europe, visits with us to bring an update on their ministry. He then shares a word from the Lord encouraging us to not be a bottleneck that prevents the Holy Spirit from moving.

Guest Speaker - Jim Whitaker (August 10, 2014)

Jim Whitaker fills in for Pastor Ken while Ken and Becky are on vacation and brings a message about the importance of "Seeking After God's Heart."

Life Lessons From David (July 27, 2014 - September 21, 2014)

Pastor Ken brings a series of messages showing the many life lessons we can glean from David the shepherd, king and "Man after God's own heart."

The Blessing of His Presence (June 29, 2014 - July 20, 2014)

We were created for communion with God, and when we live out of that union we experience life in all its fullness. This is the theme of this series entitled, "The Blessing of His Presence."

Joseph (May 4, 2014 - June 15, 2014)

That God is faithful, He's working all things together for our good, and He can lift us up out of life's pits are a few of the lessons taught in this series entitled "Joseph: Life Lessons."

Resurrection Prophecies and Pictures (Easter Sunday - April 20, 2014)

In the 2014 Easter message entitled "Resurrection Prophecies and Pictures", Pastor Ken shows how the resurrection of Jesus was prophesied many times in various ways throughout the Old Testament, proving that He is the fulfillment of the scriptures."

Agape (March 9, 2014 - April 27, 2014)

God loves us with a love that is unconditional, unending, and sacrificial, and Jesus commands the church to love God and others in the same way. Find out what the love looks like and how it's the key ingredient to abundant life in the series entitled, "AGAPE".

Guest Speaker - Mike Keys (February 9, 2014)

Mike Keys, founder of Mike Keys Ministries International, brings an update about his ministry in the Philippines after the tragic typhoon that swept through last November brought so much destruction. He then share a message about the importance of giving our very best even when we feel our worst!

Lessons From Elijah  (December 29, 2013 - March 2, 2014)

The first series of messages for 2014 is entitled, "Lessons From Elijah". As his was a life lived out of communion with God and heeding His voice, it is a pattern for us in how to walk by the Spirit as a champion for Jesus!

Being Filled With The Holy Spirit (September 8, 2013 - December 15, 2013)

In this teaching series entitled, "Being Filled With the Holy Spirit", Ken reveals the Person, purpose, and power of the Holy Spirit, and uncovers the amazing things we can expect to experience when God gets control of your life!

Guest Speaker - Jerry Martin (September 1, 2013)

Jerry shares about his family's ministry to the Muslim population in East Africa.

The Coming Persecution (April 7, 2013)

Pastor Ken delivers a message on what Christians in American can soon expect in a prophetic message entitled, The Coming Persecution.

Chasing Eternity (March 3, 2013 - March 10, 2013)

Ken explains how the Bible teaches us to live fearlessly and hopefully in the present life by keeping our minds set on the life and world to come in this message entitled Chasing Eternity.

Guest Speaker - Mike Keys (February 10, 2013)

Mike Keys, founder of Mike Keys Ministries International, shares about what he has learned in over 30 years of ministry oversees. How important it is for us to prioritize - maximizing our fullest potential for Jesus in the time that is left!

Destined To Win (December 2, 2012 - February 24, 2013)

Mankind was created to have dominion in the earth. As believers who possess the Word, Spirit, and authority of Jesus, we've been restored to our place of relationship with God and equipped to overcome every temptation, test, and trial. In every circumstance, we are Destined To Win!

Has America Lost Her Way? (October 7, 2012)

In this message entitled, "Has America Lost Her Way?", Pastor Ken shares his thoughts on politicized moral issues and encourages the church to stand for righteousness and biblical moral values.

Life After Death (June 17, 2012 - July 29, 2012)

In this series entitled, "Life After Death", Pastor Ken shares what the Bible has to say about the reality of life beyond the grave as well as experiencing recovery from life's setbacks.

The Cross of Christ (March 18, 2012 - April 8, 2012)

With a focus on the sayings of Jesus, Pastor Ken discusses the meaning and purpose of Calvary's cross in this Easter series entitled, "The Cross of Christ."

Jesus: The Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever (January 29, 2012 - March 11, 2012)

In this series entitled, Jesus: The Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever, Ken teaches that the Jesus who walked the shores of Galilee 2000 years ago is the same Jesus who walks with us today. His character has not changed nor has His power diminished. He is still holy, Lord, Savior, healer, and baptizer in the Holy Spirit!

Salt and Light - Pastor Ken Parrish (January 1, 2012 - January 22, 2012)

We all want our lives to count for something. In this series, entitled "Salt and Light: Living a Life That Makes a Difference", Ken teaches that believers are called to stand up and influence the world in Jesus' name that the world might come to know him and be saved.



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